A great action film that showcases these techniques is The Dark Knight. This film is based on the superhero Batman and his encounters with the Joker. The majority of this film showcases the relationship between the two arch enemies. The use of a metropolis like Gotham City and cars flying shows surrealism, but the people and interactions are very much aspects of realism. Action movies often enjoy pushing this boundary and challenging norms. Also, throughout the film, Batman and The Joker travel through a number of different settings. These long, drawn-out fights are quite typical in action films.
Another action film that is uses conventions and techniques is Skyfall. This is one of the most recent Bond films. It involves Bond trying to save the rest of MI6 while taking down his enemy. The plot is quite consistent with Bond films and action films. It involves a long story that travels to many locations. The soundtrack used powerful songs which were meant to excite the audience. As James Bond travels from train to car to a boat, the action scenes become quite long.
Good Action Film examples include:
John Wick
Mission Impossible - Rogue Nation
The Bourne Ultimatum
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